Friday, December 13, 2013

Deli fresh Orders for Thursday

If you order Deli Fresh for lunches please cancel your order for Thursday as we have our Christmas Party.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Busy Week Ahead...

bar wreath of pine branches for mantlepiece animated gif

It is hard to believe that this week is the last week of school before the Christmas break, but it is!  This is a very busy week at Beacon Hill School.  The choir children will be in and out of school going to their Christmas performances with Mr Gibson, not to mention practice for the Christmas Carols on Wednesday night.  Christmas parties, Secret Santa and of course, the teachers'  

All of the teachers of the Year 4 team wish you a very safe and happy holiday and wish you all the best for the 2014 year.

See you in the new year!

happy holidays with snowman animated gif

Friday, December 6, 2013

Parent Conference Thank you

It was great to see so many happy parents at our parent conferences this year. The Year 4 team thanks you for your support both at home and at school. Portfolios will be sent home today, Friday 6th Dec. Please return them before the Christmas break.

Fun at the Pitch

For the past few weeks, Year 4 have been going to the pitch to work on their rugby skills. We hope you enjoy the pictures of our recent day out!

Friday, November 29, 2013

What a Week...

Enjoy the pics from the week....

ps - there is no 4M as we are 'performanced' out!  We have been working... working... working!  YEAH!!!

Parent/Teacher Conference Night

Mrs Wu, Mrs Mulligan and Mrs McKinnon are excited to meet with you on either Tuesday or Thursday this coming week.  Please be prompt as late arrivals may not have time to complete the teacher conference.
Conferences are 13 minutes long - if the meetings need more time, teachers will schedule a meeting with you at a later date.
While we love talking to you, time is our biggest challenge on such nights.
Portfolios will be sent home with you so you can take time to see your child's work.

Bake Sale

Remember to send in your goodies for the bake sale on Tuesday. The items should be sent to the PTA office on arrival at school. Yummy, yummy yummy, there will be no hole in my tummy on Tuesday!!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Christmas is coming...

Santa is making his list and soon will be checking it twice.  Hence we will need to start thinking about our end of year Christmas parties.  Teachers will be discussing the dates in the coming weeks. 
Watch this space for more info!

Camp 2013

Camp was a huge success.  The children were fabulous and they were interested and enthusiastic in all camp activities.  We hope you enjoyed your 'Cover it Live' coverage.
Now it is back to work!

Home Reading

The children now have access to 1000s more books thanks to the school’s subscription to Reading Eggs, your child already has their log in and password for the website as well as their suggested reading age from their class teacher. They may now begin to use these books as their home readers.

The children must still read every night with an adult but this may be a Reading Eggs book instead of a school ‘home reader’. Please still comment and sign in the reading diary when you read with your child. The quiz at the end will help you assess your child’s level of understanding.

In order to ensure that the children are still reading ‘real books’ and not having too much screen time, we have limited the children to choosing a Reading Eggs book every alternate time they read. Therefore they should not be reading two Reading Eggs books in succession. The children do not have to replace home readers with Reading Eggs books if they do not want to. If you have any questions, please contact your class teacher.

Friday, November 8, 2013

What a week at work!

This week has seen the Yr 4's working on narrative writing, addition and subtraction and human impact on biomes.  Not to mention our time at the pitch learning rugby skills.
The teachers have been running around finalising the camp to Cheung Chau and 4M have begun preparing for their assembly.
Mrs Mulligan has provided the pictures for the week.  We hope you enjoy them.

Cover it Live - Camp

Please have your child's log on details for the Beacon while they are on camp.  You will need this to access the school's 'Cover it Live' on the beacon to see what your child is up to on camp.
For further help please contact the school office or class teacher, before we leave for camp.

Camp Reminders

Camp is fast approaching, please keep these things in mind.
  • Bring older clothes.  This will be an active camp and clothes will get dirty.
  • Pack plastic bags for dirty clothes
  • Name everything - including socks and jocks (underwear)
  • No electronic devices such as mobile phones and hand held game hardware will be permitted on camp.
  • Cameras are allowed but be mindful that things get lost and broken - leave the telegraphic lens and tripod at home!
  • Have your child pack the bag with you - there is nothing worse than a child who does not know what is theirs and what is not!

There  will be a reminders letter sent home on Monday - Keep your eyes peeled!

Happy camping

Monday, November 4, 2013

Sports Uniforms

Hello Year 4 Parents,

There seems to be some confusion when the children should wear PE uniforms.  I hope the following information helps out.

Each class needs to wear their PE uniform on the following days:

                        4M - Thursday (Pitch Day)
                               - Friday (Mr Teahan PE class)

                        4C - Monday (Mr Teahan PE class)
                              -  Thursday (Pitch Day)

                        4W - Thursday (Pitch Day & Mr Teahan PE class)

Friday, November 1, 2013

Wetlands Park

Thank you to those parents who helped out with the trip to the Wetlands park yesterday.

We hope you enjoy the pictures from the day.

Camp Notes

Please remember to send in the camp forms as soon as possible so that teachers can finalise the preparations camp.
A reminder and equipment list will be sent home to you in the coming days.