Friday, November 22, 2013

Christmas is coming...

Santa is making his list and soon will be checking it twice.  Hence we will need to start thinking about our end of year Christmas parties.  Teachers will be discussing the dates in the coming weeks. 
Watch this space for more info!

Camp 2013

Camp was a huge success.  The children were fabulous and they were interested and enthusiastic in all camp activities.  We hope you enjoyed your 'Cover it Live' coverage.
Now it is back to work!

Home Reading

The children now have access to 1000s more books thanks to the school’s subscription to Reading Eggs, your child already has their log in and password for the website as well as their suggested reading age from their class teacher. They may now begin to use these books as their home readers.

The children must still read every night with an adult but this may be a Reading Eggs book instead of a school ‘home reader’. Please still comment and sign in the reading diary when you read with your child. The quiz at the end will help you assess your child’s level of understanding.

In order to ensure that the children are still reading ‘real books’ and not having too much screen time, we have limited the children to choosing a Reading Eggs book every alternate time they read. Therefore they should not be reading two Reading Eggs books in succession. The children do not have to replace home readers with Reading Eggs books if they do not want to. If you have any questions, please contact your class teacher.