Thursday, August 22, 2013

Welcome to Year 4!

Here we are again, the beginning of a new year; all bright and shiny and new.
What a year we have for you!
Our new unit of inquiry will begin next week. Please see our UOI page for more information. We welcome our new students and families and hope you have a supportive and enjoyable experience at Beacon Hill.
A big welcome to our new teacher to the Year 4 team - Ms Mulligan.  Ms Mulligan has been in Hong Kong for a little while but originally comes from Ireland.

Science Museum 3rd September

Believe it or not Year 4's first field trip of the year is almost upon us.  We will be going to the Hong Kong Science Museum on Tuesday 3rd September.

This visit will compliment the work we are doing in our current UOI " How We Organise Ourselves", with the Central Idea: Technology impacts on the world of work and leisure.

Permission slips will be sent home Friday 23rd August.  We will need parent helps.  If you are available to help please fill in the relevant section on the permission and return to school.