Friday, June 20, 2014


Portfolios went home on Thursday.  Please ensure that all portfolios are returned to school by Wednesday 25th June.

What a wonderful year it has been

This is the final week that we get to work with your children as Year 4's. 
It has been a busy year and the children have worked brilliantly.  We have enjoyed working with all the parents and students this year and say a farewell and good luck to those whom are leaving BHS.
For all other children returning to BHS we look forward to seeing you as Year 5's after the holiday.
Have a safe and enjoyable holiday!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Changes Unit

Thursday 19th June will be the day that we will talk share the changes unit with the kids.  Girls and boys will be separated for the talks.  Those children whose parents do not want them involved will be supervised elsewhere.

Home Reading Program

Yep... It's that time of year again!  Home reading books need to be collected and counted to get ready for next year.  Home reading this week is using reading eggs.
There will be no collection of reading journals past Monday the 16th June.
We encourage all students to visit their local libraries to continue their reading from now on... or... use reading eggs.
We appreciate your support with this matter.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Natural Event Science

Over the next 3 weeks Year 4 will be completing a variety of science experiments investigating the real world; volcanoes, lightning, tornadoes and icebergs.
Each child will need to bring in a 500mL empty water bottle by the 19th June.
We are looking for any 2L plastic bottles, if you have any please send them in.

Thursday, May 29, 2014


For the next 4 Wednesdays in June the Year 4 children will have their swimming lessons.

The lessons will be taken by the ESF Ed Services coaches who are all trained swimming coaches. The Year 4 teachers will also attend the lessons. The lessons aim to: (depending on your child’s ability)
·         achieve confidence and mobility in the water
·         extend water confidence and water skills, to introduce stroke technique on frontcrawl and backstroke
·          improve stroke technique on frontcrawl and backstroke, to introduce breaststroke, to extend water skills
·         improve stroke technique on frontcrawl, backstroke, breaststroke, to introduce butterfly, and to extend water and diving skills
·         improve stroke technique, to extend water and diving skills
·         introduce a variety of aquatic activities
The students will be placed in ability groups so please fill in the reply slip below with the correct information about your child’s swimming ability.

Children in 4C must wear PE kit with their swimsuit (for girls – one piece swimsuit or tankini only (no bikinis)) underneath and bring:
  • underwear
  • swimming cap (a requirement of the pool)
  • goggles
  • towel
  • flip flops

Children in 4M & 4W must wear PE kit and bring:
  • swimsuit (for girls – one piece swimsuit or tankini only (no bikinis))
  • swimming cap (a requirement of the pool)
  • goggles
  • towel
  • flip flops

It is a requirement of using the swimming pool that each child wears a swimming cap. Your child can also bring a $5 coin if they would like to use a locker which is refundable. 

Times for swimming lesson

Leave School
Swimming lesson
Return to school
10am to 11am
11am to 12pm
12pm to 1pm

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Lunch Orders - LEAP 4M

A special note to parents of 4M. We will be at LEAP on the 12th June.  Due to the travel and session times 4M will be having an early lunch.  Please CANCEL Deli Fresh orders for that day.

Friday, May 16, 2014

TST Sketching Trip

If you have volunteered to be a parent helper we will notify you on Monday if you will be coming on the trip.  We are sorry that we can only bring a few parents and we will let you know if we will not be needing you.
Best regards.
Year 4 Team

Swimming Times

Swimming will begin on the 4th June.  A letter has gone home today with all of the information that you need.  The class swimming times are as follows -
4C 10am
4M 11am
4W 12am
If you have any questions about the swimming please email Mr Teahan.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Year Book Cover Competition

A quick reminder that entries for the year book cover competition will close on Monday 12th of May.  Please encourage your child to enter.

Theatre Trip Price Confusion

There was an unfortunate slip up in the permission slip regarding the price of our upcoming theatre Trip.
We would like to confirm that the price is, yes you guessed it, the more expensive of the two options; $195.
We are sorry for any confusion.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Welcome Back

The Year 4's have settled well and have been working hard after the Easter break.  As a treat we are giving them Tuesday off school, we hope you all enjoy it; we will.
We are in the middle of our structures unit.  Keep an eye out for any fabulous structures in and around Hong Kong.  Photos will be much appreciated for classroom displays and discussions.
Enjoy the wonderful weekend!

Friday, April 4, 2014

4W Assembly

Well done to 4W for a brilliant assembly.  Great dancing, great animations, great information.... great, great, great!

Student Led Conferences

We look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday for your child's student led conference.

Please note that we will be on a very tight time schedule and your prompt attendance will be a great help in the running of the day. 
If you think that you need more time with your teacher please organise a meeting time later  in the week or after the holidays.

See you on Wednesday!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Snacks..snacks...what snacks?

It has come to our attention that many children are coming to school without a healthy snack.  It is very important that children eat a snack between breakfast and lunch as it is a vital energy source that helps learning.
Examples of snack could be: apple, banana, seaweed, crackers, grapes, any fruit; buns, small sandwiches, snack bar or a little cake or muffin.
We do not advise that children bring too many foods high in sugar and salt.
Also be reminded that children are not allowed to share snacks.