Friday, November 29, 2013

What a Week...

Enjoy the pics from the week....

ps - there is no 4M as we are 'performanced' out!  We have been working... working... working!  YEAH!!!

Parent/Teacher Conference Night

Mrs Wu, Mrs Mulligan and Mrs McKinnon are excited to meet with you on either Tuesday or Thursday this coming week.  Please be prompt as late arrivals may not have time to complete the teacher conference.
Conferences are 13 minutes long - if the meetings need more time, teachers will schedule a meeting with you at a later date.
While we love talking to you, time is our biggest challenge on such nights.
Portfolios will be sent home with you so you can take time to see your child's work.

Bake Sale

Remember to send in your goodies for the bake sale on Tuesday. The items should be sent to the PTA office on arrival at school. Yummy, yummy yummy, there will be no hole in my tummy on Tuesday!!